giovedì 21 gennaio 2016

Mother Scrifes

Mother's greatness and love can not be described in words. For the happiness of their children suffer and endure hardship for the children to rest. The best guide to children and, above all, the best place for children is mother. The universe mother so great that hath kept his feet under the heaven.
We look around the countless mothers, who from morning until evening for children from working in offices in the homes of others. Sweep up dry, he did not like the house where the women are working women with children at home for future economic prosperity can be seen across effort.

But Egyptian women lead an oppressive mother, who raised her daughter's best to set an example of sacrifice, which is impossible to get with the times to come. Jabir lead in the guise of men 40 years of labor. Egypt have become the great mother of the male breadwinner for her children spent more than four decades. Lead totalitarian president of Egypt abdalfath Sisi also acknowledged the service of the High Egypt is awarded. Al Arabiya reported that the 65-year-old lead totalitarian alqsr the most helpful in his hometown and became a mother on Mother's Day on behalf of the Ministry of Social Solidarity 'sponsorship' awarded have been.
Totally lead story as soon surfaced life, from the headlines of newspapers around the world. The 21-year-old widow was facing. The remaining part of the Egyptian society where women are not like to work. They wear loose clothing traditionally male cobbler, labor and farming work. While the story of a woman and a mother is struggling, the other is the tragedy of the society of men, where a single woman for the sake of the survival of their offspring have become men.

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